In January 2015 WADA changed the minimal sanction for an athlete caught intentionally cheating from 2 to 4 years. Weightlifter Andrew Riddiford is the first UK athlete to be banned under the new rules.

Andrew was tested positive for anabolic agents Epistanozolol-N-glucuronide (a metabolite of Stanozolol) and Clenbuterol after an in-competition test in March. Athletes use these substances to decrease fat mass and to help with muscular hypertrophy. The risks from taking these substances however include tremors, headaches, tachycardia, anxiety, insomnia, hyperthermia and anorexia among many others.

In explanation of the findings Andrew stated that it could be due to his use of supplements. He did not identify the supplements that he used and that they were taken without any intent to cheat. Mr Riddiford went on to say that he went against his coaches’ advice and took the supplements without properly checking the ingredients.

This is another case of athletes taking supplements without knowing the full details about what they are taking. Before you take any supplements, STOP, check out our website and understand what it is you might be taking. If the supplement you are looking for is not on our site then please send us an email – [email protected] and we will give you a more informed choice about what you are taking.